Friday, December 15, 2017

Why we need online anonymity

Lately we've been talking a lot about the benefits of online anonymity. With that comes trolls, however, I believe that being able to post anonymously is essential. There are so many benefits that come out of being able to hide your identity online. People are able to feel a bit safer having certain discussions without revealing who they are. Victims of crimes or of anything are able to reach out to others and seek advice, or help. They can talk to others who have been in the same situation, without judgement.

Being able to post anonymously also empowers others to speak up on other issues, maybe even political issues. I know a lot of us can relate that if we were to truly speak up our opinion, we might get a lot of backlash and possibly even hate. I know that if any person were to speak up on their opinion on Twitter, they get a lot of negative feedback, sometimes horrible. Sometimes it isn’t even in political issues, but it could be anything random. This is a huge reason why a lot of people want to be able to post anonymously, and I agree!.


  1. I agree, online anonymity has the power to give people a voice in which they can share their opinions on the web without fear of backlash, this allows them to be a part of online conversations on political issues and controversial topics that are important today

  2. I agree. Although we have the freedom of speech, some are too scared to post what they truly believe. They're scared of what others will think of them. With online anonymity, freedom feels like a whole new experience.

  3. I agree that online anonymity allows us to speak our minds freely, but I also believe that it can also cause tension and be harmful to our online society.

  4. I agree online anonymity allows you to reach out. Especially the victims of crimes. If we take away there anonymity. Then we take away their one way to connect. It gives them a since of safety to speak without being judged.
