Friday, December 15, 2017

How Online Anonymity Can AND Will Affect You

Remember when was popular? Remember how just months ago a new trend had started with Sarahah or tbh? If you've used at least one of those apps then congrats, you've used online anonymity to hide who you are! Online anonymity isn't always a bad thing, unless you knowingly use it to harm someone and make them feel less of themselves.

Now you may be thinking, "I haven't done this, why should I care?" Well, there are many reasons why you should, especially if you said yes to using one of those apps previously mentioned. Although you may have never been harassed by an anonymous troll, you may know someone who was. Hatred seems to be the driving force of a lot of the events going on around the world and it could be affecting someone you know by just a click of a button. 

For those who haven't used an app that allows anonymous posting, there is a high chance you could use anonymity to your advantage in the future. Whether it be in a medical sense or turning to the dark side and leaving a negative comment on something, you will likely be anonymous at one point in time. All of us can be affected by it, no matter if it's directly towards us. If you do happen to become a victim to the words of a "hater" then just remember that by commenting back with the same amount of anger will only fuel the flame. By responding negatively you're giving them more than what they want because you've been damaged by their words and it only empowers them.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes I remember Ask fm, throwback to middle school. These types of apps are I guess, fun, but can become a threat to harassment. Just like ogle, a lot of people got hurt and even got in trouble by their posts. I still believe people should have the right to be anonymous, and what ever they post is on them. If they take advantage of this, then so be it.
