Friday, December 8, 2017

Gun Control Laws...Again???

       As I was thinking of what to blog about, I overheard the news on the TV in the kitchen discussing new updates and political issues on gun restrictions. So why not?
       In Mrs. Pinkwasser's government class, some of you may know that a recent topic of discussion has been about gun control, for it has been brought to light due to all of the recent mass shootings, school shootings, and other gun-related violence in public places. You've probably been asked a million  times, "Do you think stricter gun laws would decrease the amount of shootings in the United States?" I personally have a simple perspective, as I do believe it would somewhat decrease the violence. I say somewhat because something tells me that a lot of people who have a motive to harm others for no particular reason, illegally have these guns in their possession, so what would a law really do? Criminals don't care about laws. That's the way I look at it. Marijuana is/was supposed to be "illegal" in the United States, but does that stop high schoolers and other young adults from buying, selling, or smoking it? No.
      I recently asked my father what his insight on this was. He says yes, that stricter laws would slow down the occurrences of shootings. He says the problem is that they need to stop selling the guns like AK-47's and other semiautomatic rifles that can be altered into automatic weapons. These weapons are not necessary for self-defense, "they're just cool to have, but it is the 'cool' putting people in danger." He claims that they can't do anything about the people who already own these guns, but they can possibly stop selling the bullets for them. Put some laws on that!
      It is terrible that the world's answer to everything is killing people. It sucks even more that so many people believe background checks are and will put a stop to all of this. It is the people who have absolutely no criminal record that are committing crimes. If I remember correctly, Stephen Paddock's history was "squeaky clean."
    What do you guys think? If gun laws can't fix this, what can? Speak up.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I just remembered that our blog had to be about trolls. You guys probably read my post thinking "what does this have to do with anything we are discussing in class?" Oops. Sorry Colln .
