Thursday, December 7, 2017

10 Tips to Dealing With Trolls According to Forbes

Forbes contributor, John Rampton, gave ten tips on how to deal with internet trolls. The first tip is to establish a  comment policy. It would restrict what things can be commented. The second tip is to simply ignore them. Trolls crave attention and will do whatever they can to get it. Ignoring them can be your best tactic. Another tip is to make a joke of it. You can always use humor to show the troll how irrelevant their opinion is to you. The fourth tip that Forbes gives that may help, depending on your situation, is to unmask the anonymous troll. Tim Dowling says that, “By taking away that power, you may make a troll think twice about leaving nasty comment on your website, blog, or social media account.” Another thing is to not create a platform for trolls. You can always delete or disable offensive comments. For people with a unified online community, there’s a probability that other people on there have your back and can deal with the trolls personally. A good tip that you can follow is to fight back with facts if you’re being trolled by rumors or misinformation. One thing is for sure, don’t give trolls of the satisfaction of knowing that they’ve affected you negatively.


  1. In order to deal with online trolls, I agree with simply deleting their comments and ignoring them. I think it's best if you just delete the comments and block the person who wrote them, because you shouldn’t have to tolerate that kind of negativity and allow it to happen again. A lot of people would say to stick up for yourself and write back to trolls if they talk bad about you or start rumors, but you shouldn’t. You are just giving them what they want, ATTENTION. You should never allow a troll’s nasty comment made about you affect the core of your emotions, because you know who you are and that is all that matters. You don’t need to prove to anyone otherwise!

    1. I agree, ignoring trolls is the best way to deal with them because they don't deserve the attention they want. You should never have to justify or explain yourself to anyone like a troll whose only goal is to instigate through hateful words and negative comments.
