Saturday, December 16, 2017


   I remember back in the day when clubs day, was the only thing dwelling on our minds, Mayfair had a huge epidemic of Troll accounts.The one most commonly known was “Mayfair Bops” and on this page this particular troll exposed private messages,  girls at Mayfair exchanged with their former love ones.This page was up for weeks with over three hundred followers, as you could imagine many people flooded the comment section with hateful messages to the troll.Since no one seemed to understand why this particular troll felt the need to “expose” girls,  just because he felt it was amusing.As days went on this page was the talk around campus,which is why when the page was deleted everyone was shock and questioning what made the troll finally delete the page? Now you could only imagine how flabbergasted everyone was when they learn it was actually two trolls and that they were on our school’s basketball team.And according to many reliable sources one of the trolls confessed,since he couldn’t handle the pressure of concealing his identity.He even gave up the password  and threw the other troll “under the bus.”Which resulted in them both being expelled from our beloved campus.

The reason why I shared this story was to show how online anonymity doesn’t define the troll,but the trolls defines it.And also how if we vocalize our opinions more, change will eventually be promoted

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