Saturday, December 16, 2017

Positive of Online Anonymity

     When there is something bad. There is always something good. Just like the light and dark. When many people think of online and anonymous. They automatically assume trolls which can be assumed as (dark). However, the (light) can be people such as victims being free to open up. Without being judged by their families. Online Anonymity has more good then bad it can create a sense of an online community. It is easier to be yourself with people not being able to judge you. Although, people may say it can lead to people living double lives and feeling more empowered. Then they normally would, and abusive speech. People can also feel more safe when it comes to speaking out against a crime they witnessed. Under the ability of being anonymous they can feel more safe to come forward. Online anonymity also protects free speech and offers a support system. For other people who are going through the same problems it can create a community amongst people who know you but will not judge you. A positive about online anonymity is that there is no pressure to say what people expect you to agree with or say. We can also gather information and speak amongst the online community without fear. It can also help people with shyness speak up instead of not saying anything. While many believe we should take down online anonymity. It will be like taking away the voices of people who can't speak up in normal circumstances. Which pretty much states that one side is more important than the other. We need to find a balance between having online anonymity, but limit it when people abuse it. In instances such as harassment.

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