Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Questions For College

1. What colleges can someone apply to for majoring in Engineering? Colleges that are available currently to apply for Engineering are Texas A & M University, University of Central Florida, Arizona State University  and so much more! Just remember that these are just a few as there are over 100 Colleges that offer engineering programs across the U.S.
2.What are the benefits of studying Engineering? The benefits of Studying Engineering is that you will develop the mentality of an engineer, in other words, you will gain the skills of analyzing and critical thinking to the point where you can overcome many difficult tasks. You will also be able to figure out the problem to something without having to stress about it. This will help you grow as a person and become better at Engineering. Engineering pays about ''$60,000 to $180,000'' per year.


  1. Some of the best engineering school to apply to include: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Harvey Mudd; University of California, Berkeley; and Stanford if anyone was looking for the elite engineering programs.

  2. There's a lot of great colleges for engineering. If you're looking for an out-of-state, University of Illinois is a great choice, but if you want to stay in California, UCLA is a good pick!
