Thursday, November 16, 2017

College Questions

1)  What are some of the top schools for mechanical engineering in California?
-  Some of the top engineering schools in California are Stanford University, UCLA, and the California Institute of Technology.  However, these colleges are extremely selective in who they admit, and therefore, it is a good idea to apply to schools like UCI, Cal Poly San Luis Abispo, Cal Poly Pomona, and others as well since they are also very strong choices.  In any case, it is possible to get a great education out of any of these schools and possibly numerous other I have not listed.  Just a small summary of what I found.

2)  Is it a good idea to double major? 
I asked myself this question because of my desire to pursue music as well as mechanical engineering, so here are my findings. 
     Although many people believe that it is a good idea to double major because it can give students a wider area of expertise that could be beneficial in starting a career, studies show that this is not the case.  A recent paper published in the Journal of Cost-Benefit analysis shows that double majoring does not help people earn a higher salary.  This is possibly because the lack of diversity of skills involved with some double majors, and on the other end of the spectrum, skills that are so  unrelated that they are not useful to the development of one another.

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