Friday, November 17, 2017

How often do students change there major?

- when going to college many have already decided what their major is. However, 50-70% change majors at least once while in college . While others in college will change there majors as many as 3 times before they graduate. When choosing a major it can be a stressful process. So many go in undecided intill they figure out what their major will be. There are many reasons people change majors from not understanding the material to finding something that is more beneficial to their life and financial stability. Personally I don't know what I'm majoring in. I'm hoping with some research and time I will figure it out so I won't have to switch majors all throughout college.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great response to students who worry about not knowing what they actually want to study. What I also liked was that you put in your own personal response and shows that it is completely common to not know what to major in and students should not stress themselves out because of it.
