Without a doubt college student will find themselves using more money living in a dorm. They will be required to provide themselves with their own household necessitates such as furniture, kitchen utensils, laundry supplies, and body care. More importantly they will need money to provided meals for themselves. However, if they were living at home all these necessitates will be provided by their legal guardians.
Is having a low income a good excuse to not attend college?
Their are so many financial assistance provided to college students that a low income is not a valid excuse to miss the opportunity to attend college. FAFSA is a great example of student aid available to college students with a low income. Also, there are many scholarship opportunities to students of all academic levels and backgrounds. The only financial barrier college students will encounter will be their failure to take advantage of the financial help available to them.
1) I know that students will find themselves in a better financial state living at home just because they are saving a good bunch of money that can be used for future classes. But if being at home distracts you i suggest a few 4 years wouldn't hurt of living in a dorm, and by the time you have your career you'll be able to pay of the loans you used to live in the dorms.
ReplyDelete2) No. Because there is a ton of ways that can help you go to college when you is broke. For example there is Scholarships, student loans, jobs, etc.
1. Students will be less in debt if they live at home. However, by living at the university you are paying for the convenience of being so close to your classes, libraries, etc.
ReplyDelete2. No. Especially if you have good grades, there will always be opportunities for you to apply for scholarships. FAFSA will also benefit low income students, and greatly help students in need.
1. As Abigail and Valeria have both stated, students would definitely be in a better financial state while living at home as opposed to living on campus. If you live on campus you pay an exorbitant amount of money to be closer to your classes, but for those who come from out of town or the state, they really have no choice but to pay.
ReplyDelete2. There are so many ways to get scholarships or grants that using low-income status as an excuse for not attending college could make students seem lazy or unwilling to try. If you are hardworking and have the grades and the well-rounded nature colleges look for, you are able to get so much help on paying your way through higher education.