Tuesday, March 20, 2018

In the article, “Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables” by Mark Bittman, it addresses the fault in the American food system. It brings up good points about how easy it is to buy a bunch of junk food due to its lower prices compared to healthier foods. He explains how he wants the government to start taxing all the junk food. He brings in some interesting data about just how much soft drinks are consumed yearly. He states that he’d want the government to tax about 2 cents for every ounce. I agree with the idea of the government doing something about the epidemic of obesity. Healthier food should logically be easier accessible to everyone. Bittman also includes how taxing would not only save costs in health care, but that it’s decrease the percentage of obesity in the youth. The government should value the health of the people over profit. Alice Waters and Katrina Heron bring in some information about school lunches in the article, “No Lunch Left Behind.” They address the problem with the unhealthy school lunch options. They state that the National School Lunch Program distributes lunches that are no better than fast food which I can agree with. The program gives school lunch options like pizza, chicken nuggets, and other fast food options when they should take the opportunity to educate kids on making better food choices by giving healthy lunch options. Like I said before, the government needs to help the obesity epidemic and make healthier options cheaper. Healthy whole foods shouldn't be a privilege to buy—it should be a necessity. Educating people, especially at a young age, about a healthy diet that isn’t full of processed foods is really important.

Q: How could veganism help improve our environment?



  1. Veganism could help improve our environment by maybe influencing others to start eating more vegetables. My sister is a vegan and she cooks a lot of different dishes and tries to influence us to transition into becoming a vegan. She, along with other vegans, tells us that there are a lot of substitutes for the foods we eat day to day. Now I am currently transitioning into becoming a vegetarian all because of my sister and her influence.

  2. Veganism would help out the environment some by cutting down on a lot of the greenhouse gasses that the animals farmed produce. Much more crops will be made producing a decrease in global warming. So if you're fine with pesticides then there is seemingly nothing but positives from veganism. Also, I agree completely that there needs to be change in the school lunch system to substitute healthier foods in for school lunches.
