Wednesday, March 21, 2018

First course blog

In an article by Bittman, he emphasizes the need for a change of eating habits, however it can’t solely be the burden on the people. He suggests that the government tax the crappy and unhealthy foods and make fresh produce more affordable and accessible to people. I think that’s a good idea but this government is what it is... government. The people have a big influence sure but this world in general will never be perfect. That’s a little off topic but anyways, it may change but that will be over a tremendous amount of time. In the other article by Waters, she talks about the food wasted at schools. The government tried to input programs like the Free National School Lunch Program, to help kids with low incomes and also try and make it more “healthier”. However, this isn’t the case since most of these foods are wasted and the government would spend billions into the program. In my opinion, a program like this would fall in to the kids and their eating habits. They have to be the ones to decide to eat healthy, but how can they do it if the foods presented to them are not even healthy as officials claim it to be ?

Food Waste-

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