Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Fat Tax? Yes!

After reading Mark Bittman's article, "Bad Food? Tax it, and Subsidize Vegetables" I was very intrigued by the points that were made. In paragraph 8, he talked about selling "seasonal greens, vegetables, whole grains, dried legumes and fruit" almost anywhere. If these products were available almost everywhere, more people would definitely buy them. Instead of promoting unhealthy food, like potato chips and soda, places should promote healthy choices! This also plays a role in food advertising, and most of the time we are not really advertised the healthier option. Companies offer us the cheaper alternative! If people want to buy junk food, then maybe they should pay a tax. This leads to Bittman's next point: taxing the junk food. I honestly believe this will work in some way, possibly lowering the rate of diabetes in the United States. Taxing an item to avoid people to stop buying it seems familiar...  tobacco & alcohol! The government put a sin tax to lower the rate of consumption and have succeeded.  Taxing "sugar-sweetened" beverages will possibly save billions in health care and ultimately reduce the obesity rate. Who would think in passing simply a couple more cents can make a huge difference! I know if junk food became more expensive I would avoid eating them. 

In Alice Waters & Katrina Heron's article, "No Lunch Left Behind," talks about how school lunches sometimes don't meet nutritional requirements, which makes you think.. aren't we supposed to be given healthy foods? Of course many of us want healthy foods, but it shouldn't be more expensive!

Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food

This video goes into great detail exactly how GMOs have helped farmers and countries who lack crops with nutritional value. It does talk about negative aspects of GMOs too but positives definitely outweigh the bad!! This video is fun to watch and the animation makes it more interesting. Enjoy!

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